EAR Episode 98: “I Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny”
Posted in Episodes on March 18th, 2008Sometimes when you talk to PR you get the answers you want, and sometimes you don’t. Then there are other times when you get an answer like the title of this episode of Evil Avatar Radio, and really, it’s the answer you were looking for, in a round about way perhaps.
Originally when I was told we’d be speaking with from Sega Of America, I was informed that questions need to be related to Condemned & Condemned 2: Bloodshot. That wasn’t anywhere near the case when we actually did speak to him on the air. This guy let loose with everything and it’s really one of the more informative interviews we’ve had on the show. Take special note of his answer when we asked Evil’s question of why there is multiplayer in Condemned 2. Not only does he speak about the Condemned series, but he also goes on to answer questions you asked in the thread…as best he could anyway. NOLF 3, Blood 3, Shogo 2 - all are answered, sort of.
Not only that, but we start the show off with BAPenguin calling in to tell us about his time spent with GTA4 last week and we grilled him to no end on the topic. Trust us, the drool hasn’t stopped flowing since the multiplayer announcement made last week, and Bap’s experience relayed to us only increased our salivating.
But the conversation doesn’t stop there. After the show, we attempt to get Hawggy on the line without success, but redeem that by having S|1pstream, Bone, and thaGirl, join us for a bit to talk about drunken gaming, Texas, gamers making games, and my shame. Afterwards, we top it all off with a long discussion about the Stargate television series.